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Poster Publications for the 83rd Meeting of the ARGE NDG

The Working Group of Northern German Geologists (ARGE NDG) convened for their 83rd meeting from May 21-24, 2024, in Bad Muskau. In addition to numerous specialized lectures on applied geosciences and regional geology of the northern German and Polish regions, excursions to the Muskau Fold Belt, the Nochten lignite open-pit mine, and the Bad Muskau Park took place. Furthermore, during a poster session, Frank Bretschneider and Daniela Focke presented research findings on the topics "Studies on the Seese Gravel Community at Boreholes in the Seese/Schlabendorf Area" and "The Seese Sands: Heavy Mineral Analysis as a Tool for Developing a Geological Model." PDFs of the posters can be downloaded here (under the "Download" tab).

The conference proceedings and excursion guide containing the articles and excursion summaries were published in the 31st volume of the journal of the State Office for Mining, Geology and Natural Resources (LBGR), the "Brandenburgische Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge" (BGB). The contributions by Frank Bretschneider and Daniela Focke can be downloaded here (under the "Download" tab).


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